Monday 24 June 2013

Macaron Recipe!

Until today I'd never even tasted a Macaron before but I'm a big fan of meringue. I've always thought they looked gorgeous and when I found out how easy they were to make how could I resist giving it a go? I quite love baking but often times my plans go awry, cakes don't rise, biscuits burn etc... and believe me when I say making Macarons requires a certain amount of technique and persistence to get right. It took me like four batches to get 'em right. They kept burning and cracking and blehhh but I think I've sussed it now so I figured I'd walk you guys through the recipe so you don't have to go through the same shit I did.

Whisk (I used an electric)
Food Processor (optional)
Large Mixing Bowl
Measuring Spoons
Piping Bag (with round nozzle) OR
Sandwich bag with a corner cut off (I found that worked better)
Grease Proof Paper

Ingredients (Macaroons)
3 Egg Whites (make yourselves an omelette with the yolks heh)
75g Caster Sugar
125g Ground Almonds
175g Icing Sugar
Gel Food Colouring (optional)

Ingredients (Filling)
350g Icing Sugar
240g Softened Butter
1 tbsp Vanilla Extract
2 tbsp Double Cream


We're gonna start on the actual Macarons so the first thing you're gonna wanna do is sift together your icing sugar and almonds - for that I used the food processor because it gives it a more fine and even mixture. Set that bad boy aside and move on to your eggs. Pop them into your mixing bowl and whisk them like you would a meringue. If you don't have an electric whisk I'm gonna apologise right now because the muscles in your arms will be like jelly after this. You wanna whisk them until they've come to soft peaks and then add your colour/s. I chose to use blue and they came out a very pale green but that's fine because I wanted pastel shades. Then start adding the caster sugar bit by bit whilst you whisk until your mixture is all smoothy smooth and thick.

Next up you gotta add your almond/icing sugar c-c-c-combo. Gradually sift in half of the mixture and fold in with a wooden spoon or baking spatula until it's all mixed in. Repeat with the second half. After this you've gotta keep folding and stirring your mixture until it falls in ribbons once you lift it up and out with a spoon. I was advised to fold it in a figure of eight movement for no more than three minutes otherwise you'll fold all the air right out!

Get your baking trays set up, ready and lined with grease proof paper. Then spoon your mix into your piping bag and pipe an even number out into small circles with tiny peaks (which will flatten, don't worry). Bash those baking trays against a hard surface to flatten the bottom and form the 'feet' of the Macaron and then leave 'em to stand for thirty minutes whilst preheating your oven at 160C/140C (fan).

So far so good right? In the thirty minute wait I made a brew and played some Fall Out 3 on t' Xbox. When I came back to my Macarons they had a weird skin on them like that horrible primary school custard but apparently you want that to happen. You're supposed to be able to touch them without anything sticking to your finger. I don't know man, I'm not a scientist. Pop them in the oven and cook for 13 minutes (anal retentive Bunny doesn't like how it's an odd number either but it works) turning them around (not over) in the oven half way through. I would advise you to KEEP CHECKING THEM. You don't want them to go brown. Once they're out you need to leave them to cool completely so I dashed right back up to my Xbox and unpaused the epic battle I'd left on hold. Yeah I died but whatever. You can also utilise this time to prepare the filling.

For the filling you should cream the butter with your electric whisk (if you can of course) until it's almost white then add the icing sugar bit by bit making sure to switch to a spoon to beat it in. Do the same with the vanilla and double cream until the mixture is light and fluffeh. Once the Macaron shells are completely cool remove them carefully from the baking sheets and I mean really REALLY carefully. Then spread the flat side of the Macaron with the filling and close it up like a little sammich.

Serve immediately or, ya know, just look at them 'cause they're pretty!